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Relativity Index

Discover the perfect read for you at Guiding Teenagers with just a glance! Our handy icons beside each post title instantly guide you to age-appropriate content, ensuring you find exactly what you need, fast. Whether you're seeking advice for your child's social challenges or any other topic, our icons make it a breeze. Just flip through them and dive into a world of helpful, tailored content!

7 friends hanging out in skatepark



This blog post or podcast is universally relevant and impactful across all age groups.

additional details below

Relativity Graph depicting age relevance

The icons are easy to understand without needing to flip back to this page every time as long as you know two things. First, the blog's relevance increases as you go up the graph (y-axis). Next, across the bottom (x-axis), the age group is identified from youngest to oldest.

If you understand better when shown, we've got you covered with an illustration below...

...And for the ones who like to dive down the rabbit hole of technicalities and how it is all broken up, eat your heart out:

Starting at the bottom left, going across the x-axis, you have tweens (8-12) occupying roughly the first 25%. After that comes younger teens (13-15), taking up the next 30% of the graph. Then, older teens (16-19), another 30%. Finally, 20-year-olds, young adults, and older take up the last sliver of the graph to the right, with 15%.

Blank line graph

How relative a blog article or post is for specific age groups; the higher up the graph (y-axis) the more relevant






Very Relevant

Not Relevant


Age Group (x-axis)

High School +

Tweens Transitioning to Teens

Middle School, Early High School

Children / Early Tweens

Post High School / Young Adult / Adults

Key points:

8-10 years with ARROW pointing "younger" indicates it article could have relevance for children as well

8-10 years with a STARTING "DOT"  indicates there is not much relevance for that age group and that the line graph begins closer to the 11-12 age

20+ with ARROW pointing "older" indicates it could include young adults over 20 as well, or  any aged adult

20+ with ENDING "DOT" indicates the article is not for adults and some 20-year-olds; the article/post is geared more toward high schoolers or younger.

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